Chocolate Truffle
Chocolate Truffle
- Premium baking chips, 60% coco and semi-sweet, 160g
- Heavy whipping cream 80g
- Corn Syrup 8g
- Unsweetened coco powder
- Bring heavy cream and corn syrup to a near boil, pull in the chocolate chip
- Stir till chocolate chip melts to a thick shiny paste, if chips not completed melted, set container in hot water and continue to stir till chocolate completely melts
- Refrigerate for 2 hours
- Scoop out chocolate and roll slightly to round shape. Place chocolate in coco powder to coat.
- Store truffle in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
- 巧克力 :可可含量60~65%的巧克力 160g
- 淡奶油 83g
- 水饴(corn syrup)8g
- (装饰用)可可粉适宜
- 将淡奶油和水饴放在奶锅里面煮沸腾了取下来,
画圈式的倒在装有巧克力的盆子里面。 - 轻轻搅拌,如果巧克力没有完全融化,
稍微隔热水搅拌一下,直到全部融化为止。 - 进冰箱冷藏2小时
- 巧克力变为固体的时候连烤纸一起从模子里面取出来,
用热过的刀子切成自己喜欢的大小, 如果想做松露形状也可以搓成圆形, 但是生巧克力的基础样子就是扁方形哈。 在盆子里面倒适量可可粉,然后用手把巧克力周围滚上一层可可粉。