• Appetizers,  Dessert & Bakery,  Main Entree,  My Kitchen,  Soup

    Thanksgiving 2018

    Thanksgiving Dinner 2018 Menu Butternut Squash Soup with Parmesan Croutons (Jamie Oliver) Crostini with Prosciutto, Brie, Apricot Jam and Candied Walnut Beef Wellington (Gordon Ramsey) Chipotle Smashed Sweet Potatoes (Alton Brown) Green Bean with Garlic and Bacon Chocolate Souffle with Creme Anglaise Holiday means getting together, feeding on happy foods and having lots of fun. To ease the stress on the day of the feast, think and prepare ahead is really important. First, decide on the main course. Then, determine on the sides that will complement the main course as well as the occasion. Thanksgiving dinner is traditionally a Turkey fest, but this year, we decided to have Beef Wellington,…

  • Main Entree,  My Kitchen

    Beef Wellington

    Beef Wellington Beef Wellington is the main course for Thanksgiving Dinner 2018. A few days before the holiday, I bought a beautiful piece of whole beef tenderloin from Costco, and trimmed it myself. I then tied the Chateaubriand with kitchen twine and let it sit in frig over night. The next day, which was the day before the holiday, I started to make the beef wellington. Since it can rest in refrigerator for 24 hours before baking, this is a perfect dish to pre-assemble. Searing Tenderloin First, season the tenderloin with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper. Heat a cast iron skillet to very hot, and add a little…

  • Main Entree,  My Kitchen

    Grilled Pizza

    Grilled Pizza Grilled pizza, wow! The intense heat of a grill produced blistering, bubbly, crispy crust. You can never get this in any oven at home. For the grill, I don’t even need a pizza stone. Step 1, prepare the dough. For a family of 3 or 4, 2 cups of flour with 2/3 cup of warm water should yield enough dough. You will need 2 tsp of yeast, 2 tbsp of olive oil. I also like to have flavor in the crust. So I add Italian seasoning and garlic salt. Salt usually hinders the rising, but for thin crust pizza, this is perfectly fine. Let the dough sit in…

  • Main Entree,  My Kitchen

    Rolled Pork 水晶扎蹄

    Rolled Pork 水晶扎蹄 前两天为了做月饼买了只蹄膀,带皮带骨,因为切掉一部分瘦肉,形状不那么完整了,要做脆皮蹄膀有点难度。于是决定做个扎蹄。 先炒花椒盐,粗盐,花椒,桂皮,大叶,八角一起炒香。 蹄膀各个面各个角落都抹上冷却的花椒盐,多抹一点,烧之前要洗掉的。腌至少24小时,我腌了有一天半。从冰箱里取出,用冷水冲去花椒粒。这是需要稍微修正一下瘦肉使得卷起来之后皮能保住里面的肉。美国店的蹄膀都很大,所以扎起来也就比较粗。用棉绳捆紧,两头也扎一下以免肉从两头滑出来。 大火烧开,去浮沫,转文火烧2小时。 可以留在汤里等它冷却,我呐,那锅汤里还有骨头继续在炖,所以热气腾腾地就取出来了。胖嘟嘟的,好可爱。等完全凉下来,切片装盘。因为我腌的时间比较长,而且汤里面又加了一些花椒盐,这个肉不用调料就非常有味了。调料按自己喜好可以用酱麻油,葱酱辣油,等等。美国胃的儿子问是不是可以把皮烤烤脆。这个难度有点大,切了一半再小烤箱里烤了十来分钟,噼噼啪啪爆了好几回,表皮也就干爽一点而已。别看有一层肥肉,这肉一点点都不油腻。