
Bread and quick bread recipes

  • Bread,  Dessert & Bakery,  My Kitchen

    New York Style Bagels

    New York Style Bagels Bagel and pretzel are the two type of bakery items that I love them fresh but never had the courage to make. Everyone knows New York City has some of the best bagels out there. Locally, I like Johnny’s bagel, but it’s not so close to where I live. So, I mustered all my mights and attempted for  New York Style Bagel at home. Wow! I was even impressed with myself. Of course, if you do a lot of research like me, you know there are some real authentic NYC bagel recipes out there and some would require up to 3 days to make them. I…

  • Appetizers,  Bread,  Dessert & Bakery,  My Kitchen

    Focaccia Bread

    Focaccia Bread Focaccia, a flat oven-baked Italian bread that has a similar texture like pizza dough, is an easy bread to make. The most typical Focaccia is the one with Rosemary and Olive Oil. Remember to use your finger or a utensil to dot the bread (make lots of dimples), this will help preserve the moisture. Jalapeno Focaccia This is a variation to the usual Focaccia. Though most of the ingredients are the same, I added diced colorful hot pepper, Italian seasoning and garlic salt to the dough. I also decorated the top of the bread with jalapeno rings and freshly grated cheese. The trick to make the bread softer,…

  • Appetizers,  Bread,  Dessert & Bakery,  My Kitchen

    Moon Cake 鲜肉月饼(小包酥)

    鲜肉月饼 (小包酥) 中秋将至,家里人对广式月饼都没大兴趣,过节必须要有过节的样子呀,上海的鲜肉月饼既合时宜又和胃口。实际上,中秋不过是个借口,鲜肉月饼哪个季节都能做,哪个季节都能吃? 这里介绍的是小包酥做法。小包酥的优点是每一个水皮和油酥都事先秤好,所以酥皮的重量完全一样,但缺点是操作比较慢,每一个都要包擀卷。大包酥要快很多,当然很难保证每个都一样重,其实相差两三克烤完了没什么区别,如果想要省力一些,可以用大包酥。 新鲜出炉的鲜肉月饼皮酥得掉渣,肉鲜嫩多汁,甜咸相应,岂是一个美字了得 今天心血来潮,用土豆?刻了一个图章,毕竟这是私家出品嘛。第一次尝试结果并不满意,不过有过这么一次试验,下次就有经验了。章用起来可真方便,几十个月饼一分钟就搞定。 烤完之后效果也不错哦,是不是能认出上面的那个小篆的易字?

  • Appetizers,  Bread,  My Kitchen

    Savory Zucchini Bread with Almond Flour

    Savory Zucchini Bread with Almond Flour Savory Zucchini Bread with Almond Flour is a variation to the original Savory Zucchini Bread with Bacon and Cheese. I created this in an attempt to cut down carb intake while still enjoy a delicious savory snack. Almond Flour has high fat content, and I also used juice/oil from cooking the salty pork, thus I didn’t use any additional oil or milk. The bread was delicious. It is a little more crumbly than the original version, but it’s moist and rich.