• Nature,  Robin2019


    【罗宝宝成长记 · 2】一日三餐 罗小一和罗小二飞速成长少不了罗爸爸罗妈妈的精心呵护,一日无数餐的喂食。 罗爸罗妈找到蚯蚓总是先在边上的一棵树上停留观望,确定安全了就跳回地上,然后一层一层树枝往上跳,唤醒宝宝们,看着他们争先恐后地抢着要吃,辛苦找来的蚯蚓也就只有一鸟一口。 小一小二无谓地张大嘴吧等了一会儿见不再有食便又乖乖地睡去了。没看到罗妈妈怎样处理宝宝的?,有待后面几天继续观察。 罗小宝们一般在巢里待9-16天,今天已是第五天,我怎么已经开始有空巢的惆怅了? 上一篇:出生 下一篇:???

  • Nature,  Robin2019


    【罗宝宝成长记 · 1】 不经意间,罗妈妈在车库边的holly tree上建了个窝,又不知何时在里面下了三个特别特别漂亮的蛋。罗宾蛋蓝是色谱中的一个颜色,可见它的纯正程度。罗妈妈兢兢业业地坐在蛋上,开头几天听到我相机发出的快门声她就会受惊飞走,然后在不远的树上观察,渐渐的她没那么紧张了,我走过她依然静静地坐在那里。 5月16号那天罗小一,罗小二和罗小三出生了。第一次看到新生宝宝,惊诧于他们不成比例的身体,透明的皮肤,眼睛都还没睁开却已知道张嘴讨食。新生宝宝没有御寒能力,妈妈离开一会儿他们就瑟瑟发抖,好生可怜。好在妈妈尽职尽业,大部分的时间都用自己的体温来保护儿女。罗妈妈显然已经习惯了我每天的偷窥偷拍,知道大炮一样的相机并没有杀伤力,快门声不再可怕,小小脑袋却也如此聪明。 出生第二天再去探望宝宝们,伤心地发现罗小三不见了,会不会是半夜冻死了给妈妈送出了门??罗小一和罗小二茁壮成长,身上的毛明显多了。小一小二相依相偎一天天长大。 昨天晚上狂风大作雷雨交加,好是担心宝宝妈妈和他们的家。今早起床第一件事就是去看望他们,他们的家结结实实地在摇曳的树枝间坐着,像个摇篮,惬意非凡。妈妈没在巢里,出去觅食了。罗小一和罗小二也没那么怕冷了。没过一会儿妈妈回来了,还带了一嘴的蚯蚓,吃早饭啦,宝宝们?? 下一篇:一日三餐

  • Nature,  Travel

    Mount Tammany

    Mount Tammany Red Dot Trail Mount Tammany Trail, also known as Red Dot Trail, is probably the most strenuous trail I hiked this summer, and the most beautiful one (with Pinnacle and Lehigh Gap East closely behind). The plan was to hike up the Red, then head to Sunfish Lake via Fire Road and Turquoise, and back on the other side joining the Blue. Unfortunately, we got too tired and turned around half way on the Fire Road. The parking lot at the trail head is nice and clean. It’s a circle. I took this picture standing by the AT trail head. Red Trail head is on the other side…

  • Nature,  Travel

    Pinnacle and Pulpit Rock

    Pinnacle and Pulpit Rock Part of Appalachian Trail, the section near Hamburg PA offers great view of Lehigh Valley and surrounding ridges. The hike was moderately difficult, mainly due to the steep elevation change about a mile before Pulpit Rock, and also it’s pretty long hike, about 8.7 miles.  The first mile and half was an easy stroll, slight uphill through the woods. The deeply shaded and damp trail was perfect environment for mushrooms. Pulpit Rock I have heard from several people that there were rattle snakes in the crevasses on Pulpit Rock, but never had the luck to spot one. During our first hike in August, we did see…